Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh Announces the ‘One Million Master’s Scholarship’ for Syrian and Lebanese Nationals

AMMAN - Motivated by his loyalty and belonging to his Arab nation, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), has decided to launch the ‘One Million Scholarship’ that enables Palestinians, Syrians, and Lebanese students to digitally obtain a master’s degree in various modern academic specialties.
The Scholarship includes six disciplines, namely: Business Administration in Artificial Intelligence (PRO-ACTIVE Programming), Business Administration in Information Technology, Business Administration in General Management, Digital Marketing, Intellectual Property, and Supply Chain Management.
Accordingly, Syrian and Lebanese citizens can benefit from the ‘One Million Master’s Scholarship’ once applicants meet the same conditions that apply to the Palestinians who benefitted from the same Scholarship.
It is worth mentioning that launching this scholarship affirms Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh’s belief in the necessity of providing top-tier education to students whose countries suffer exceptional situations and are unable to afford the costs of travel and study.
Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh has declared that the Scholarship would be available and open to all Syrian and Lebanese citizens, affirming his belief that education and knowledge are the only path to nations’ building.
He reiterating his commitment to support and empower the Arab youth, as well as to help create a new generation armed with knowledge to build their countries, serve their nations and shape a brighter future, stressing that the Arab peoples are capable of achieving their aspirations no matter how hard the surrounding circumstances can be.
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global Digital University (TAGGDU), established in 2012, offers several distance-learning master’s programs through the free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which enable thousands of students to enroll in the best programs offered worldwide. Through TAGGDU, students can obtain a master's degree in accordance with the standards of online master’s degree program accreditation in the United States, which will also be accredited by TAGGDU.
For more information or to apply to the University, please check the following website: https://www.tag-gu.global / or via email: tag.foundation@tag.global
Or please contact phone number: 0096265100260, ext.: 4005 or 00962797227291