AMMAN – The number of Palestinian students that have already enrolled for  the fully-funded master's degree scholarship provided by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), to the Palestinians has increased to reach nesarly one thousand. These scholarships came as part of Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh’s initiatives to support Palestinian youth and enable them to digitally obtain a master's degree in various disciplines offered by Talal Abu Ghazaleh Global Digital University (TAGGDU), a member of TAG.Global. 

In this regard, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stated that the students’ interest in the scholarship symbolizes the spirit of resilience and determination of the great Palestinian people in their pursuit to achieve academic excellence and progress despite the difficult challenges they are going through; whether due to the Zionist occupation or the difficult economic conditions. He further pointed out that the continuous efforts to undermine the ambition and aspiration of the Palestinian people will never succeed in diminishing their resilient steadfastness and determination.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh added that the University aims to expand this opportunity to embrace one million students by collaborating and communicating with Palestinian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, and several Arab countries. This effort aims to facilitate experience-sharing and promote a culture of creativity and academic excellence.

He underscored that the "Abu-Ghazaleh’s One Million Refugees' Higher Education Digital Scholarship" initiative significantly contributes to building Palestinian youth's capacities, considering education as a fundamental pillar for national liberation.

The fully-funded scholarship includes six modern digital disciplines including Artificial Intelligence (PRO-ACTIVE Programming), Information Technology, Digital Marketing, Intellectual Property, Supply Chain Management, and Business Administration.

It is worth mentioning that Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global Digital University (TAGGDU), established in 2012, offers several distance-learning master’s programs through the free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which enable thousands of students to enroll in the best programs offered worldwide. Through TAGGDU, students can obtain a master's degree based on the standards of online master’s degree program accreditation in the United States, accredited by TAGGDU.

For more information or to apply to the University, please check the following website: / or via email:

Or contact phone number: 0096265100260, ext.: 4005 or 00962797227291