Abu Ghazaleh, hailed as a global visionary for human development and peace at the CSU Annual Awards Gala 2024 held in N.Y

At the annual Awards Gala of the Consortium for Sustainable Development (CSU) held in New York, the incoming CSU President, Mr. Nichola Hamilton and other speakers paid glowing tributes to Dr. Talal Abu Ghazaleh as a global visionary for human development and peace.
Speakers praised Dr. Abu Ghazaleh, a founder of the CSU and long-time Chair of its Board, for his clear-eyed and effective leadership which had played a seminal role in growing the CSU into a global professional organization and network of architects, urban designers, policymakers and practitioners across six continents, committed to promote sustainable, equitable and resilient urban development in the world pursuant to Goal 11 of the UN SDGs and the ‘New Urban Agenda’ adopted at the UN Habitat Conference in 2016 in Quitto, Ecuador.
The CSU was launched as an initiative of the UN Global Alliance for ICT for Development (UNGAID) under the leadership of Dr. Abu Ghazaleh in 2009 following a UNGAID Conference on ‘Our Common Humanity’ held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in May 2009.
The CSU Awards Gala of 2024 attracted wide participation by leading architects, urban designers, UN Ambassadors, university professors and students, policymakers, business leaders and local government officials from around the world.