Abu-Ghazaleh: Our Relationship with Jordan Phosphate Company is a strategic partnership

AQABA – The Arab International Society for Management Technology (AIMICT) organized a ‘Training of Trainers (ToT) program for the cadres of Jordan Phosphate Mines Company (PLC) in Aqaba Governorate, with the participation of 20 employees. 

AIMICT Executive Director, Eng. Ibrahim Abu Naffa, said that the Society Chairman, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, is proud in such a strategic partnership between the Society and the Company, pointing out that this training program is one of the aspects of cooperation between the two sides.

Eng. Abu Naffa stated that the ToT program tackled several topics that directly aim to identify the characteristics of exceptional trainers and contribute to the development of the employees’ ability to communicate professional information within a professional framework.

For her part, Head of the Training Center at the Industrial Complex of the Phosphate Company, Ms. Amal Al-Kalaldeh, said that the program is part of the training plan the Company offers to its staff, indicating that the senior management’s interest mainly focuses on the development of the employees’ expertise and skills. 

Ms. Al Kalaldeh further extended her gratitude to the AIMICT team for organizing and presenting such a program in accordance with the highest standards and best practices.

It is worth mentioning that the Arab International Society for Management Technology (AIMICT) was established in 1989, with the aim of creating a conscious society that is aware of the modern management practices.

Jordan Phosphate Mines Company (PLC), a public shareholding limited company, is ranked the second largest company exporting phosphate, and the sixth largest company in phosphate production in the world.