DAMASCUS - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global) has announced the establishment of a specialized department for artificial intelligence (AI) consulting to serve TAG.Global’s clients worldwide via our Syria office. 

The establishment of this department reflects the growing importance of Proactive Programming, also known as AI technology, and its various usages in everyday life. TAG.Global is gathering university-degree-level experts in Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence and its equivalent in Computer Science. This specialized team will also be proficient in programming languages including Python, SQL and SQL Server, .net and Angular, among other qualifications.

Those qualified and interested in joining the team will find more information here

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global) operates more than 100 offices around the world. It has provided its services in Syria through its office in Damascus since its establishment in 1976, providing a wide range of services such as Intellectual Property, Auditing, Consulting, and training in addition to technological products manufactured and produced by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for Technology (TAGTech).