CAIRO – Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP) in Cairo, a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), has participated in the activities of the Open Factory Project, one of the most prominent Egyptian-Italian joint projects, funded by the European Union.

AGIP’s participation came upon an invitation from the Egyptian Industrial Modernization Center (IMC), due to its prominent role in the development of the Egyptian industrial society, through the provision of many professional services. The project aims to develop the Egyptian industry and encourage factories to invest part of their revenues in development, training, and skills improvement.

Mr. Tarek Al-Khatib, executive director in-charge of TAG.Global Cairo Office, expressed his pride for receiving such an invitation, pointing out that the importance of the project lies in introducing participants to the fundamentals of designing new products, marketing techniques and business development.

During the gathering, Mr. Al-Khatib shed light on the intellectual property rights; their importance and their role in protecting products, in addition to introducing all the various services and activities that Cairo  TAG.Global’s office provides to the Egyptian community. 

For her part, Eng. Samar Shogaa, AGIP Patent Department Manager, gave a brief about the patent services, and all AGIP registration procedures.  

Meanwhile, Mr. Ahmad Abu Al-Nour, Trademark lawyer at AGIP Cairo Office, discussed the significance of trademark registration and the steps involved, as well as the biggest and most famous trademark cases and litigation procedures.

It is worth mentioning that the Open Factory Project is co-implemented with the Industrial Modernization Center and the Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence at Cairo University, the chambers of Leather and Textile industries, the National Research Center, and a number of Italian-based institutions.