Under the patronage of Archbishop Christophoros Attallah and Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh:

FUHEIS – HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh (TAG.Global), jointly with Jordan's Greek Orthodox Archbishop, Christophoros Attallah, patronized the opening of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Station at the Roman Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem Schools – National Section premises. 

The opening ceremony was held in the presence of priests, the provincial governor of the Fuheis city, the city of Al Salt Director of Education, officials and dignitaries of Fuheis, principals of schools, general administration personnel, school administrative and educational staff, local community members and parents.

During the ceremony, Ms. Leen Madanat, general manager of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate Schools in Jordan, underlined the significance of collaboration with TAG.Global, indicating the importance of establishing similar knowledge stations this year in  Anjara, Karak, and Fuheis, with the support of Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh to serve and support students and members of the local communities throughout the governorates and to provide them with the necessary skills qualifying  them to compete in the labor market.

For his part, Eng. Amjad Al-Naimat, principal of the National Section at the School, welcomed the attendees, thanking everyone who effectively contributed to the success and implementation of such noble goals on the ground, which benefit students, teachers, and the local community. He also touched upon the training courses that will be held at the knowledge station. 

At the end of the ceremony, the Schools presented an honorary shield to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh for his ongoing support, and for the role TAG.Global plays in developing skills and building institutional capacities of the schools and their cadres. For his part, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh presented the Schools an honrary shield for their leading role in building future generations.

It is worth mentioning that TAG.Global has recently equipped the newly-inaugurated Knowledge Station with all professional training tools including laptops; provided by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for Technology (TAGTech). It should be noted that this station is the third knowledge station established in the schools of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem (Jordan), in accordance with the previously signed agreement between the two parties to establish three TAG Knowledge Stations in the schools located in Anjara, Karak and Fuheis.