In cooperation with the Arab Tourism Organization:

AMMAN - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Academy for Capacity Building (TAG-Academy), a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), jointly with  with the Arab Tourism Organization (ATO), which is affiliated with the League of Arab States, has organized a ‘Digital Transformation’ training course for 250 interested Arab Countries’ participants.

The two-day course, held digitally through Microsoft Teams App. was presented by Eng. Bilal Al Hafnawi, an expert in the artificial intelligence and data science fields, as well as a consultant in innovative digital transformation. 

The course was designed in line with TAG-Academy’s vision and mission of providing high-quality training and human development services that meet the Arab individuals’ training needs in the public and private sectors. 

It aimed at sharpening  Arab youth performance and improving their skills to a level that matches the desired goals.

The training course targets individuals working in the tourism field, hotel industry, and tourism and travel agencies, in addition to those working in the field of digital applications and representatives of the Arab tourism public and private sectors.

During the course, several topics were discussed including the importance of digital transformation and the modern digital technology in the tourism sector, the mechanisms of applying digital transformation in the sector, utilizing technology to market tourist destinations and to promote the idea of digital transformation to improve performance at the Arab institutional level.

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Academy for Capacity Building (TAG-Academy)

TAG-Academy provides integrated training solutions and professional training in more than 20 sectors through more than 500 training programs. Its core competencies include comprehensive training consulting and training as well as executive programs directed and approved in cooperation with government and non-government organizations around the world. TAG-Academy offers tailor-made contractual programs designed to meet the training needs of a specific institution in the light of the objectives it seeks to achieve and the challenges it faces. Such programs are designed after conducting training needs assessments or according to the client’s specific needs.

The Arab Tourism Organization (ATO)

The Arab Tourism Organization -resident in Jedda- is one of the Arab joint action organizations that work within the framework of the Council of Arab Tourism Ministers of the League of Arab States. The Organization translates the decisions of the Arab Ministers Council into policies and plans that promote the tourism industry in the Arab region.