AMMAN - HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), has received in his office the Lebanese media and astrology icon, Ms. Maguy Farah, where they discussed the situation in Lebanon, focusing on what should  be done to help Lebanon in light of the difficult economic and social conditions it is experiencing today. 

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh briefed Ms. Farah on all TAG.Global’s  projects and efforts already initiated in Lebanon towards  implementing  digital transformation strategy in Lebanon, the launch of digital programs, the establishment of knowledge stations, and the manufacturing line of technological devices by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for Technology (TAGTech), a member of TAG.Global, in the country.

Ms. Farah was also briefed on the details of the Class Action lawsuit internationally led by Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh to reclaim and gain access to the frozen depositors’ money in Lebanese banks, after indicating that what has been committed against depositors is a crime against humanity.

Ms. Farah expressed her appreciation for all Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh's efforts regarding Lebanon, as well as his appeal for lifting US sanctions on education in Syria, as education is a fundamental human right for everyone. She emphasized the need to support the petition submitted to the US administration to lift those sanctions as soon as possible.

During her visit, Ms. Farah took a tour  around TAG.Global’s headquarters including TAGTech’s showroom, where she was briefed on the cutting-edge technological devices introduced by TAGTech. She also visited the headquarters of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Business and Culture Radio & TV Production and Broadcast, and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum, in addition to a number of other TAG.Global’s firms.