BEIRUT – Under the patronage of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), the first batch of trainers of ‘Fighting Digital Illiteracy’ training course have graduated. The course took place at the recently inaugurated ‘Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Station’ in the Lebanese National Library under the auspices of Lebanon’s Minister of Culture, Judge Mohamad Al Mortada, in cooperation with MENA EdTech Alliance in Lebanon.

During the course, the twenty participants were introduced to various topics, including training management methods, skills of choosing course titles to achieve the desired goals of improving work efficiency and productivity and finding qualified staff in addition to others, presented by trainer Ms. Nora Al-Murabi, vice-president of the Alliance for International Partnerships and Relations coordinator.

During the graduation ceremony, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his appreciation for the trainers, and he highly praised their keenness to activate the knowledge stations that have been recently opened in Lebanon, supported by TAG.Global, to serve Lebanon’s communities in fighting digital illiteracy. That is in addition to implementing the Digital Transformation Strategy approved by the Lebanese Government through the agreements previously signed with TAG.Global. 

For her part, Trainer Al-Murabi extended her pride in giving training to the first batch of trainers, marking the start of activation of the TAG knowledge stations that have been opened during this year in Lebanon, while their number is expected to double before the end of 2022. Inaugurating TAG knowledge stations in Lebanon comes as part of TAG.Global’s approach to serving the Lebanese society in various regions by delivering ‘fighting digital illiteracy’ courses and other specialized professional courses in accounting, auditing, marketing, management, translation and others.

Certificates of attendance were given to participants in the presence of Dr. Fawaz Kabbara, Minister of Culture’s Advisor, and Dr. Rabie Baalbaki, the MENA EdTech Alliance President. In addition to representatives of the Lebanese University and private universities, civil society organizations as well as a number of Lebanese media professionals.