BEIRUT – The French-Libanese Association for Technical Sciences, -- represented by Vice-President of MENA EdTech Alliance for International Partnerships and Relations Coordinator, Ms. Nora Al-Murabi, and Head of Public Relations in "MENA EdTech Alliance, Ms. Aida Al-Murabi Kabbara,--has honored HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), in a special ceremony that was held in the Northern Lebanese city of Tripoli.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh was honored for his ongoing contributions to serving the Lebanese society and his constant efforts in developing the Northern Lebanese region in various fields including  knowledge, digital transformation, technology and innovation.That is also in recognition of his leading initiatives.

On behalf of the Association, Ms. Nora Al-Murabi expressed her gratitude to Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, welcoming him in the capital of the North (Tripoli), in conjunction with the opening of the third TAG-Knowledge Station at the Lebanese University - Tripoli branch.

In her remarks, Ms. Al-Murabi expressed her wishes that Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh would have landed as a refugee in Tripoli, instead of the Lebanese village of Al-Ghaziyeh back in 1948, due to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh’s loyalty to the village that offered him shelter and home. She went on to praise Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh’s great achievements as well as his loyalty to Lebanon.

Ms. Al-Murabi stated that the inauguration of the third TAG.Global Knowledge Station is only the first step in the process of developing the city of Tripoli in the fields of knowledge and education, adding that cooperation between TAG.Global and the Association will be maintained; to strengthen community partnership with the public and private sectors in the field of technology development and digital economy.

For his part, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his thanks and appreciation for this honor, considering that all his contributions and accomplishments are a duty he performs for his second homeland, affirming his belief that Lebanon will prevail and overcome all the difficulties and challenges through continuous learning.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh asserted his deep belief that innovation is the only and best way to overcome challenges, noting that TAG.Global Knowledge Stations are available for all to acquire necessary science and technical skills which will positively impact the country and its people. 

The honoring ceremony was held in the presence of Dean of the Faculty of Science, Professor Ali Kanj, and on behalf of President of the Lebanese University Prof. Bassam Badran, MENA EdTech Alliance President, Dr. Rabie Baalbaki, Chairman of the Education and Culture Committee from Tripoli Municipality, Dr. Bassem Bakhash, President of the National Commission for Science and Research, Mr. Radwan Shoaib, and Adviser to the Minister of Culture, Dr. Samira Baghdadi. That is in addition to Dr. Nadim Mansouri and Dr. Bilal Baraka from the International Relations Office at the Lebanese University, the EdTech Alliance Higher Education Officer in Lebanon, Dr. Hicham El Khoury, and EdTech Alliance Vocational Education and Inclusion of People with Determination (Special Needs) Officer, Mr. Shadi Mesrani.

From TAG.Global, Chair of Group Management Board at TAG.Global, Mr. Salah Abu Osbeh, Executive Director of Lebanon Office, Mr. Marwan Abu-Sahyoun, and Representative of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for Culture and Media in Lebanon, Mr. Burhan Al Ashkar, were also present.