CAIRO - During a panel session organized by Egypt's Coordination Committee of “Parties' Youth Leaders and Politicians” (CPYP) entitled ‘Can we overcome the global financial crisis?’, and as part of the Committee’s initiative ‘Sawa Han’adi’ – Together we will succeed, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), affirmed that Egypt is entitled to become the top 6th global economy by 2030, due to its futuristic planning skills. He further warned that some Arab governments have placed the appeasement of their people ahead of  the long-term economic interests of their countries and the result was economic decline.

In contrast he said that Egypt is now giving priority to the future, to ensure a decent life for future generations, while at the same time, is keen on providing and securing the people’s current needs.

Moreover, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh confirmed that the sustainability of big institutions is based on whether they are being creative or not, noting the importance of establishing a governing system to protect intellectual property rights and reduce the protection flaws, which we suffer from due to the absence of a single or multiple force that dominates the World Order.

At the end of the session, CPYP member, Ms. Nivine Iskandar, gave an honorary shield to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, presented by Egypt’s Member of Parliament and President of the CPYP’s Deputies and Senators Bloc, Mr. Omar Younis. 

The Coordination Committee of Parties' Youth Leaders and Politicians (CPYP) is a dialogue platform between the youth and the Egyptian state, founded in 2018. It aims at strengthening political parties, creating channels of communication with the State. Its membership includes a group of young politicians and representatives from up to 26 political parties across the political spectrum.