AMMAN - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh International University (TAGI-UNI), a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), has participated in the 5thsession of the Governance and Sustainable Development 2022 conference that was held digitally -for the second time because of the Corona virus restrictions-  by the Indonesia-based Bandar Lampung University, with the participation of high-ranking international universities.

The conference was attended by members of University of Peloponnese, Humboldt International University and a number of international universities, in addition to 500 students from the participating universities and other educational institutions around the world.

TAGI-UNI Executive Director of International Educational Programs, Dr. Mushira Enezat, represented the University in the said Conference, where she presented a research paper on “Governance and Sustainable Development”, in which she stressed the importance of sustainability in the management field for the improvement of competitiveness, responsibility and community confidence.

Dr. Enezat outlined key challenges and opportunities in the areas of governance and sustainable development, highlighting different models of sustainable management identifying their elements and similarities. She further called for expanding the scope of theoretical development to achieve best practices in corporate governance and to ensure sustainability.

It is worth mentioning that TAGI-UNI was the only participant from the Arab region in the Conference’s fifth session.