AMMAN – The Ministry of Education (MoE) in Jordan renewed the previously signed agreement with the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh E-Training (TAG E-Training), to conduct the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh International Diploma in IT Skills (TAG-DIT) exams for all its cadres as a requirement for promotion and bonus.

The Ministry’s decision No. (M T/14/6/24817) stated, “Please note that the Ministry of Education approved the new name of the aforementioned program (Talal Abu-Ghazaleh International Diploma in IT Skills (TAG-DIT), considering that the Ministry will continue to recognize the certificate for teachers’ ranks.”

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh E-Training Center Manager, Mr. Oday Al-Qasem, stated that the TAG-DIT used to be conducted in cooperation with Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) – University of Cambridge. However,  he elaborated that the Diploma has become the sole property of TAG.Global with all its components, after 16 years of extended experience in developing and managing the Diploma certificate, training and awarding the certificate to more than a quarter of a million Arab citizens in various Arab countries.

Mr. Al-Qasem added that the Center sought to develop the Diploma certificate based on its keenness and responsibility in building a knowledge-based society and digital citizens. He noted that the TAG-DIT certificate comes in line with the vision of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of TAG.Global, which sums up, in his words: “the future of societies and countries robustly lies on knowledge and information technology”.  

It is worth mentioning that Talal Abu-Ghazaleh E-Training Center was established in 2001 to offer assessment services of high quality IT skills in the Arab countries through partnerships with leading institutions. TAG E-Training aims at expanding its services in the region by providing IT assessment services on new software applications.

For further information about the TAG E-Training center, please visit the website: