In his capacity as Chairman of the Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization (CSU) Board, Dr. Talal Abu Ghazaleh gave an opening address to the Annual Awards Gala of the Consortium, held on March 16, 2022 in New York, in which he made an impassioned appeal to world leaders to come together and agree on a universal and unified response to the current conflicts raging in the world and to develop viable and sustainable solutions to global challenges such as climate change and the Covid 19 Pandemic.

His appeal resonated strongly with the leadership and members of the Gala attendees. Professor Lance Brown, the President of the CSU said that Dr. Abu Ghazleh had made a powerful moral and spiritual call that would be heard around the world. Chris Williams, the Director of UN-Habitat noted that Dr. Abu Ghazaleh had given voice to the collective will of humanity at a pivotal moment in world affairs.  Professor Rick Bell, the Head of the Department of Urbanization of Columbia University, called Dr. Abu Ghazaleh’s message as ‘inspirational’.

The Gala was attended by many United Nations ambassadors and senior officials, as well as professional architects, urban designers and planners, policy makers and academics from around the world.

 Many speakers expressed their admiration for the important role the Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization is playing in promoting dialogue among diverse stakeholders, in disseminating knowledge and best practices for building sustainable cities and urban centers, as well as  in mobilizing international support for the implementation of  the United Nations Goal 11 on sustainable urban development of the SDGs and the New Urban Development Agenda of Habitat III Conference.