AMMAN - HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), has delivered a keynote speech at the opening session of the ‘first International Conference on Technology, Law and Education between Reality and Future’ that convened in Morocco.

During the four-day event, 135 participants representing 20 Arab and foreign countries took part in the conference, along with 500 attendees through the Conference’s various social media networks.

During his address, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his gratitude for being invited to ‘join one of the biggest gatherings of experts and specialists to tackle vital issues including the Knowledge Revolution which will take the world into another level that completely differs from the world of today,” explaining that what is meant by knowledge is to "embrace and adopt information and communication technologies (ICT) which has become the main source of fortune, actually the fortune itself”, he said, adding:

“We have to deal with the knowledge transformation more seriously, particularly as we are moving into a new world managed by knowledge,” noting that digital transformation is inevitable and those who don’t embrace such transformation will certainly be left behind. 

Furthermore, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh pointed out that the current educational systems must change, affirming that the ICT has contributed to the development of our lives, and created a revolution in all systems and industries all over the world, which necessitates the development of new and innovative educational methods, to keep pace with the technological advancements we live in, and to move from  teaching to learning. 

During the conference, the participants presented scientific and practical solutions to overcome technological problems in various sectors with efficient use of ICT, in addition to providing solutions to improve the quality of face-to-face and digital education at educational institutions, and to determine the impact of the use of ICT on the quality of digital education. That is in addition to the impact of digital transformation on courts, and the aspects of working at “virtual” digital courts.