AMMAN - The “All4Palestine” Society, one of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global) initiatives, documents and highlights the stories of successful Palestinian innovators and pioneers worldwide, regardless of their status as refugees,  and the usual  challenges they are experiencing at all levels as displaced people,  with over 7000 inspiring stories so far.

The All4Palestine Society; a groundbreaking and unprecedented initiative launched by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of TAG.Global, aims to shed light on the Palestinians’ contribution to human civilization. The Society is a reliable and an up-to-date source of information for those who seek to conduct a thorough study about the history of Palestinian achievers who managed to establish their distinguished status  in various fields and sectors. 

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh affirms the important role and mission of All 4 Palestine Society in highlighting the Palestinian creativity worldwide, especially in the Arab countries, the United States and Chile.

The stories of innovators narrated by All4Palestine include Palestinian men and women in all fields, categorized as follows: 1310-stories in the academic field, 2301-stories in the cultural field, 955-stories in the business field, 425-stories in the sports field, 849-stories in public figures field, 303-stories in government officials field, 415-stories in the media field, 226-stories in sciences field, 106-stories in religions related field. 

The All4Palestine Society communicates with the Palestinian achievers wherever they are located to fully document the stories of  their creativity, success, and excellence. Moreover, it expanded the fields of creativity to include science, technology and knowledge.

In line with the vision of TAG.Global to keep pace with the latest technological developments and advancements in the knowledge world, and to achieve its mission and objectives, All4Palestine will turn its website into a mobile application to enable access to the largest number of Palestinian achievers.  

The “All 4 Palestine” website tells the story of every Palestinian scientist, writer, actor, official, comedian, athlete, and businessman who, through suffering and hardship, achieved monumental success, serving as role models to the young generation, whether as doctors, thinkers, writers, cartoonists, musicians, directors, critics, comedians, poets, artists, entrepreneurs, economists, or athletes.

All 4 Palestine, founded in 2011, is a non-profit and non-political society that aims to shed light on the impact of Palestinians on human civilization. It documents and highlights the stories of Palestinian women and men from around the world who contributed mainly to the scientific, cultural and economic development of humanity.

For more information, please visit the following website: