AMMAN - The Arab International Society for Management Technology (AIMICT) held its annual meeting under the chairmanship of its President HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, in the presence of its board  members.

The meeting reviewed the Society’s past two years activities and achievements, with special focus on the specialized training programs and the varied  range of related events. The attendees discussed the importance of strengthening cooperation with various institutions with the aim of fulfilling the requirements of local, regional and global communities in the areas of quality and knowledge management. 

The participants unanimously agreed to benefit from the digital transformation experts in training and consulting fields for the provision of training and educational programs through local, regional and global partnerships, including Supply Chain certificates and training programs on Digital Forensic Evidence and Auditing. In addition, the participants agreed to form a committee for developing a proposal for inclusive digital transformation of both government and private institutions. 

For his part, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh called for utilizing the business incubator at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University College for Innovation to organize such training courses and professional programs, as well as all related technological subjects. He further took a number of significant decisions for developing the Society and expanding its services, pointing to the significant role the AIMICT plays in light of the world’s recognition of the importance of the Knowledge Revolution and its impact. 

In his capacity as Founder and Chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh called for utilizing the professional technologies and expertise at TAG.Global, the largest global organization for professional and education services operating through more than 100 offices all over the world. 

During the gathering, the participants also decided to prepare an integrated guide for the training programs specialized in technology and information management, particularly for digital transformation programs. That is in addition to, collaborating with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum (TAG-KF) to conduct awareness-raising and orientation seminars on all matters relating to the Society and its activities.

As said, the annual meeting was held in the presence of a number of the Society’s members including former Vice-President of the Society/former Minister of Industry Trade and Supply, Eng. Maha Ali, and Ms. Yasera Ghosheh, AIMICT member and former Minister of Public Sector Development, in addition to Dr. Khalid Saif, former Minister of Transport along with other directors and heads of local companies and institutions. 

For his part, the AIMICT Director, Mr. Ashraf El Husseini, reviewed the Society’s 2019 and 2020 annual reports, which included the past two years  activities; the activities that build on the Society’s previous accomplishments, in a mechanism to place the Society at the top of international professional organizations and institutions working in this field, and to realize the objectives for which it was basically established. 

During the meeting, the financial statement and report of the Society for the year ending on December 31, 2019, and December 31, 2020, were discussed and approved. Moreover, the final financial statements and the estimated general budget for 2021 were also reviewed and approved, in addition to the election of Alfaysal Group as the auditor of the Society for 2021.

The Arab International Society for Management Technology

The Arab International Society for Management Technology (AIMICT) was established as a non-profit organization in 1989, in Buffalo-New York City, in the United States, and it was officially registered in Amman in 1990 under the name of the "Arab Management Society”. Because managers and businessmen were quick to realize the importance and the outcomes of their role in serving business communities in their countries, the idea of establishing such a society had emerged. In 2015, the name of the organization was amended into "The Arab International Society for Management Technology" (AIMICT), to keep pace with modern global technological developments in various sectors and to help establish and create knowledge-based management.