CAIRO – Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global) took part in the 7th meeting of the Higher Coordination Committee of the Arab Literacy Decade, organized by the Secretariat General of the League of the Arab States (LAS) – (the Social Affairs Sector, and the Education and Scientific Research Directorate) at the premises of the Secretariat in Cairo. 

The meeting was attended by representatives concerned with literacy in the Arab countries, as well as by a number of Arab, regional and international organizations. That is in addition to a host of experts and delegates of civil society institutions involved in issues associated with literacy.  

Mr. Salah Abu Osbeh, chair of TAG.Global Management Board, Mr. Ramez Quneibi, executive director of Web Development and Digital Marketing Department, and Mr. Maher Abu-Zer, executive director, of the Arabic Fluency Program, represented TAG.Global at the meeting. 

Basically, the purpose of the meeting was to follow up on the recommendations of the 6th meeting of the Higher Coordination Committee that was held in Riyadh – Saudi Arabia in 2020, as well as to review the activities carried out by the Arab countries in the field of literacy and adult education. That is in addition to presenting a progress report covering the past Decade, and at the same time, to outline next steps for the Arab Literacy Decade.

During the meeting Mr. Abu Osbeh stated that digital literacy has become an urgent necessity especially after the changes caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in terms of the use of technology in all life’s aspects including education, health, food, banking and others. He further reaffirmed the need of taking digital literacy into account to fight illiteracy in order to reach an integrated knowledge-based society.

Abu Osbeh also said that the objectives of the Arab Literacy Decade would be achieved by adopting the building capacity programs and setting special accreditation standards under the umbrella of the Arab Decade and the Secretariat General of the League of the Arab States.

During the meeting, TAG.Global representatives delivered a presentation highlighting two different digital programs carried out by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global; the first is related to training and examination to fight digital illiteracy, while the second addressed the fluency for non-native Arabic speakers. 

Additionally, the website of the Arab Literacy Decade – developed by TAG.Global- was also presented to the attendees to become a major reference for the Arab countries' achievements in the field of fighting illiteracy.