AMMAN - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global) has signed a cooperation agreement with the Hindawi Excellence Group to provide the relevant professional services and activities  that are available at TAG.Global and its member firms.

The agreement was signed by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of TAG.Global, and Dr. Ahmad Hindawi, chairman and CEO of the Group, in the presence of representatives of both parties. 

Accordingly, the two sides agreed on offering consulting, evaluation and training services in the fields of excellence, as well as on preparing ministries, institutions, departments and companies to apply to national, regional and international corporate and individual excellence awards. The services the agreement offers include the development of the excellence awards, training of people in charge of their management and candidate assessment. The agreement also entails the provision of other services and products including the Remote Learning Management, Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

The two parties also agreed upon to provide  consultancy and training services in other relevant fields, such as, Future Foresight, Strategic Planning, Human Resource Development and Management, Business Process Re-Engineering, Creativity and Innovation, Business and Organizational Agility, Customer Service Systems (customer satisfaction metrics, complaint and suggestion systems, the Mystery Shopper, and more.

That is in addition to cooperation in the development and implementation of digital transformation projects in government and private sector institutions, the development and implementation of business systems, the development of smartphone applications, artificial intelligence systems, the implementation of face- to-face and digital joint training programs, plus, the intellectual property services.

The terms of the cooperation agreement also included providing audit services and its related training services, specialized accredited and unaccredited training courses in the field of consultancy, and preparing and submitting bids and proposals that fall within the functions of the two sides.