Hosting Investment Sector Representatives in Jordan ‘Abu-Ghazaleh Confucius’ Participates in the ‘Investment Relations Management’ Training Course in China
FUJIAN, China - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Confucius Institute (TAG-Confucius) represented by its Executive Director and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global)-China Relations Executive Director, Mr. Mamoun Abu Al Sebaa, took part in the training course entitled “Investment Relations Management’ and the ‘One-Stop Window’ for Jordan, that has been hosted by the Foreign Economic Cooperation Center of Fujian Province, China.
The course was held digitally under the auspices of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce in the presence of the Jordanian Ambassador to China with more than 30 participants from various Jordanian sectors representing Jordan’s Ministry of Industry, Trade & Supply, Jordan Investment Commission, and Jordan Customs and Free Zones. That is in addition to the Arab Businessmen Forum in China, chambers of commerce, and Jordanian businessmen.
A number of Chinese university professors and lecturers, heads of the Province’s commercial development councils, heads of Free Trade Zones and Pilot Free Trade Zone, experts in development zones, in addition to a number of Chinese businessmen in the Fujian province participated in the event.
As a representative of the Jordanian participants at the course, Abu Al Sebaa delivered a speech in which he thanked the organizers for their efforts in organizing a successful meeting that offered valuable information about investment in the Kingdom.
Abu Al Sebaa stated that the Chinese-Jordanian relations have been steadily developing for more than 40 years on the basis of bilateral cooperation and friendship, despite the great disparity between the two countries in terms of geography, capacities, culture and language. He went on to say, Jordan has worked tirelessly to support and promote trade, investment and infrastructure between the two parties, in addition to exchanging expertise in culture, education and healthcare fields.

Concerning on TAG.Global-Chinese relations, he said: “TAG.Global plays a significant role in promoting and developing the relations between China and the Arab world, as It has always been keen on strengthening the relations between China and Jordan by establishing a number of joint programs such as TAG-Confucius Institute which aims at teaching the Chinese language and culture.”
He further shed light on TAG.Global’s cooperation with the Chinese Embassy in Jordan which materialized by the inauguration of theTalal Abu-Ghazaleh Chinese Visa Section (TAG-Visa), the only center that provides visas for travelers to China in Jordan since 2009.
At the same time, Abu Al Sebaa referred to the efforts exerted by HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, TAG.Global chairman and founder, who has been always eager to maintain good relations with China, establishing various platforms for science and knowledge, pointing to his several leading contributions and international positions he served in in the United Nations and other international agencies.
Abu Al Sebaa also pointed out that the achievements of Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh made him eligible to be selected as one of the top 10 Arab personalities who received the Outstanding Contributions Award to Sino-Arab Friendship; one of the most important awards granted in recognition of world leaders' contributions to the development of Chinese-Arab relations. Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh received the Award from His Excellency the Chinese President Xi Jinping in person in 2016.
Additionally, Abu Al Sebaa noted that TAG.Global had established six offices in China in Chengdu, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Guangzhou, as well as two offices in Beijing to provide TAG.Global’s professional and educational services to more than a quarter of a million Chinese companies and is currently pursuing the possibility of establishing a representative office in Fujian province.
For 3-weeks, the participants in the training course discussed a number of topics of interest to Jordanian investors such as investor relations management, investment opportunities and risks under China's current legal system and the investment cooperation between Fujian Province and Jordan. That is in addition to, the investment promotion policy, reform policy and openness to China, as well as the concept of investment promotion practice and building a cross-border e-commerce platform in the Free Trade Zone.
During the event, digital visits to a number of Chinese factories and companies in Fujian Province were organized.