AMMAN – Under the patronage of Prof. Hamid Al-Naimiy, University of Sharjah (UOS) Chancellor, the University College of Communication at hosted the well-known Arab economist and prominent businessman, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), deliver, by Zoom, a lecture entitled “Learning for Innovation”. 

The lecture’s purpose was to raise awareness of the University and College students on the importance and the impact of Industrial, Knowledge, and Technological Revolutions. 

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh shared his experience in the information technology field, explaining how to take advantage of the available tools and technology in making innovative and creative content, by keeping abreast of the technological development around the world, in addition to using the knowledge and programming techniques. 

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh also stressed the importance of directing learning for the purpose of innovation, and the transition from traditional education in a way that provides space for creative thinking, as well as creating new information and seizing enormous opportunities for digital transformation. 

The lecture was attended by the UOS Vice-Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies, Prof. Maamar Bettayeb, and Acting Dean of the College of Communication, Dr. Essam Nasr, who welcomed, the lecturer the participants and conveyed the greetings of UOS Chancellor to all of them. 

In his opening remarks, Dr. Nasr affirmed the University’s keenness on cooperation with TA.Global, and acquiring new expertise from individuals who play effective roles in community development in all education, social, technical and technological areas, referring to the importance of education, learning and knowledge that enhance skills and capacities in production and innovation.

Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh is considered one of the most influential leaders in the world, with outstanding achievements and contributions in education, accounting, intellectual property, business administration and management, commerce, information and communications technology, science and technology, law and other fields. He is also the founder of organizations with a historical dimension and a vision for the renaissance of the Arab and Islamic worlds.