AMMAN – Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum (TAG-KF), a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), in cooperation with Jordan Media Institute (JMI) organized a digital panel session entitled “Digital Media and Youth on Social Media” through live streaming on the Forum’s Facebook page and  Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Business and Culture Radio & TV.

During the session, TAG-KF hosted a group of young people including Mr. Firas Taamneh, founder of ‘Chatting with Firas” talk show hosted on ‘Hawa Al Fuhais’ TV channel, Mr. Asim Ma'aitah, a content creator and founder of the series “Mind Trip” on Facebook, Ms. Basant Zaidan, founder of the “Fesfori Media” digital program and Ms. Shereen Nanish, coordinator of the Youth Committee at the UNESCO Federation for Media Education.

The panel which was moderated by Mr. Fadi Daoud, executive director of TAG-KF and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global) Education and Youth Consultant, provided an opportunity for Jordanian digital content creators and producers of digital programs on social media platforms to share their positive content, as well as to talk about the digital media challenges and to come up with youth developed recommendations.

Ms. Zaidan; a graduate from the Middle East University, Faculty of Media (Radio and Television), stated that she created and registered her program at Jordan Media Commission to become an interactive social program posted on social media networks, pointing out that the project has been considered one of Jordan’s startups in the community media sector. She added that the success of the first and second seasons of Fesfori Media program has motivated new ideas in its third season.

Meanwhile, Ms. Nanish (graduate of the JMI) stressed the need for paying special interest to the competencies of the Arab youth since they have the skills and experience that enable them to succeed in all fields.

It is important to note that Nanish with her team won the first prize of the “Now Team” journalism challenge organized by the Thomson Foundation to create a youth media/ social platform. 
For his part, Taamneh, (a student of philosophy at the University of Jordan, and Vice-President of Hawa Al Fuhais Society), said that his first book was published at the age of 18 entitled “Khawater 18”. He works as a social activist specializing in the fields of media, self-discovery and its development.  He also gives presentations on reading and creative writing at seminars and workshops.

Taamneh believes that life is full of philosophies from which young people have to choose what matches their skills, abilities, and passion.

A graduate of Psychology from Mu’tah University with a Master’s degree in Modern Journalism and New Media from JMI, Mr.Ma'aitah said that his program ‘Mind Trip’ addresses various social topics that concern members of society to make them better engage in positive thinking.

Session moderator Mr. Daoud pointed out that the session was organized based on the belief of TAG-Forum in the important role of the youth in creating and sharing the right digital content, and broadcasting positive energy through multiple social media platforms. He affirmed the importance of establishing a professional code of ethics that encourages digital content creators to get rid of negative practices on social media platforms, as well as fighting extremism, abuse, cyberbullying, rumors, character assasination, and other offending actions.

It is worth mentioning that the Jordan Media Institute (JMI) is a non-profit educational institution in Amman founded by Her Royal Highness Princess Rym Ali that aims to enhance the performance of journalists and media practitioners in Jordan and the Arab region in addition to those who wish to practice this profession by providing advance education and training opportunities to meet the demands of many journalists.