AMMAN – Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Academy for Capacity Building (TAG-Academy), a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), signed an agreement with Humanity & Inclusion Organization for cooperation in the areas of training and skills development. 

According to the agreement, TAG-Academy; which is specialized in providing capacity-building and professional services, will offer its training and development services to HI in various fields including Project Management, Contract Management, English Language, and Communication Management, as well as training courses pertaining to Labor Law and development of staff skills in general.

The agreement was signed by TAG-Academy Executive Director, Mr. Yousef Al-Rawas, and HI Regional Director of the Middle East Programs, Mr. Federico Dessi.

Al-Rawas affirmed the importance of building the Arab youth capacities as well as sharpening their talents to serve the society, the public and private institutions, expressing his pride in this cooperation for the purpose of disseminating TAG-Academy services in various Arab states.

For his part, Mr. Dessi shared similar feelings of pride in signing the cooperation agreement, which would positively serve HI and its goals in reconstruction, long-term crises, and the development of vulnerable populations, especially persons with special needs, he said.

Humanity & Inclusion Organization (HI) is a non-profit organization. It was officially founded in 1982 to address issues of poverty, exclusion, conflicts and disasters,  to meet the basic  needs of the disabled and vulnerable persons, to improve their living conditions, and to safeguard their dignity and rights. The Humanity & Inclusion Organization now operates in 60 countries in emergencies, reconstruction, long-term crises and development. 

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for Capacity Building (TAG-Academy) offers integrated training solutions and professional training in more than 20 different sectors through more than 500-plus training programs including consulting and training in the fields of: training needs assessment, training plans, organizational structures and systems design engineering as well as distinct and approved operational programs in collaboration with governmental and non-governmental organizations, agencies and institutions worldwide.

TAG-Academy also provides contractual programs that are designed to meet the training needs of a specific institution in light of the objectives it seeks to achieve and the challenges it faces. Such programs are designed after completing the clients’ training needs assessment.