AMMAN – Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University College for Innovation (TAGUCI), a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), announced that registration continues for the Summer semester and the  first semester of the academic year 2021/ 2022 for Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) program, with the addition of a new course titled Experiential Entrepreneurship Project.

Accordingly, TAGUCI will introduce the new course (Experiential Entrepreneurship Project: Creativity, Innovation and Opportunities) to the curriculum of MBA concentrations, including Innovative Leadership and Entrepreneurship, Data Analytics, Digital Marketing and Human Resources Management. 

TAGUCI Dean, Dr. Naser Al-Nsor, stated that the addition of the new course to the MBA study plan comes as a part of the College’s keenness to include all relevant content to the Master’s curriculum to achieve its mission in “graduating students by innovation, not by passing exams”. 

Furthermore, Al-Nsor stressed that the study plan aims at enabling students to develop projects that address serious additions to modern scientific theories and methods at their facilities, depending on their interests and specialties, by utilizing information and communication technology to innovate in their fields of choice. 

He also added that the University College operates in line with the vision of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman of TAGUCI Board of Directors,create change in higher education matrix, not just in the Arab countries but the whole world. That is in addition to graduating a creative generation which presents knowledge innovations to their societies. Al-Nsor further noted that, since TAGUCI's establishment, students have been publishing their scientific research in world-class scientific journals.

It is worth mentioning that TAGUCI offers 75% scholarships to refugees, and 60% scholarships to those with ‘Outstanding and Excellent’ grades and 50% for those with ‘Very Good’ and ‘Good’ grades in their Bachelor's degrees.

For more information, please visit TAGUCI website: / or contact: 065509222 /0797227291, Ex: (5333/5214)