AMMAN – A group of well-known Jordanian economic experts discussed the content and the theme of Dr. Adli Kandah’s new book: “Drivers of Economic Growth: Seeds for Practical Ideas” in a panel organized digitally at the Arab Thought Forum (ATF). Dr. Kandah is a prominent economic and financial adviser.  

During the session, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, a member of the Forum and founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), underlined the importance of the book, stating that it not only tackles economy as a topic, but it also teaches how to innovate in economy adding: “we need a generation who can innovate in economy specially in our present Age of Innovation”.

Furthermore, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh called on Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University College for Innovation (TAGUCI) to include this book into the academic curriculum as a reference to ‘master’s degree in business administration’. He also declared that this important book would be considered as a reference in training courses organized by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Academy in the fields of research and innovation. 

The session, moderated by the ATF Secretary General Dr. Mohammad Abu-Hammour, was attended by Mr. Hamdi Tabba’a, president of the Jordanian Businessmen Association (JBA), Dr. Nidal al-Azzam, executive director of Research Department at the Central Bank, Dr. Mohsen Abu Awad, chief business and investment officer at the Islamic International Arab Bank, Dr. Areej Tlelan, development expert, and Dr. Khaldoun Nusair, head of the Jordanian Forum for Economic and Democracy Organization. 

Dr. Kandah, pointed out that the book answers key questions and inquiries raised in light of the severe economic slowdown Jordan has been experiencing for more than a decade, and it highlights the most important drivers of economic growth and development of various types. 

For his part, Tabba’a said that the book will serve as an economic reference to the Jordanian economic community and policy-makers in developing future plans and studies. 

Dr. Mohsen Abu Awad noted that the book touches upon important topics related to money and economy, by addressing different cross-cutting economic issues which makes it difficult for non-economic specialists and readers to understand. 

In addition to the content of the book, the participants discussed the current economic situation around the world, particularly in Jordan, as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, noting that Jordan has already been facing many economic challenges in addition to the pandemic. They estimated that recovery from these repercussions may take up to two years, according to some studies, unless other epidemiological developments occur. The participants also stressed the need to focus on productivity improvement measures and to reduce economic insecurity through investments.

During their discussions, the participants underscored the significance of drawing up a national strategic development plan for the Jordanian economy that aims at achieving economic stability by supporting small projects and businesses, enhancing partnerships and investments between public and private sectors, in addition to allocating sustainable financial resources to finance the economy, and the provision of the Fourth Industrial Revolution components.