AMMAN. In cooperation with Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University College for Innovation - The Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization (AIDMO) (TAGUCI) held a virtual workshop on ‘Economic and Industrial Impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications in the Arab Countries”, with the participation of a large number of experts from Arab and international bodies, organizations and institutions. 

During the opening session, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), and Eng. Adel Sakr, AIDMO Director General addressed the attendees. 

In his keynote address, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh called on the Arab countries to keep pace with the global transformations in the technology era and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, underlining the importance of responding to challenges posed by the applications of this technology in promoting the use of AI for their own benefit, particularly their efforts to achieve sustainable and inclusive Arab technological development goals. 

Moreover, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh highlighted the potentials and applications of AI, in addition to the radical changes that will take place in our daily life socioeconomically and technologically, as a result. His Excellency also urged the Arab countries to get involved in this type of technology and to prepare to embrace the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution era. 

He further called on the Arab countries to develop mechanisms for transferring and localizing AI technology, as well as identifying challenges associated with this type of intelligence and the effects of its uses. He stressed the significance of integrating AI in various stages of education, and raising awareness about AI as a concept, then as an applications and as an invention to open prospects of investment in this area. 

For his part, Eng. Adel Sakr stated that AIDMO has set its sights on future industries that are based on science and knowledge as the main access to industrial development, pointing out that the world today witnesses rapid technological advancements in light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution driven by AI whose applications prepared the ground for a new, a different and a smart world that would positively impact the future of economic, technological, medical, educational and services sectors.

Sakr noted that the development of innovative business models and the existing production chains would lead to future changes in industrial enterprises functioning, transforming them to smart digital factories that maintain their competitiveness and raise the efficiency and quality of their products.

Dr. Mushira Enezat, executive director of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University College for Innovation (TAGUCI), presented a research paper entitled “Artificial Intelligence and Innovation: Their Role in Educational Process”, where she highlighted the importance of innovation and AI in the Arab world as well as the challenges that face the academic institutions, students and faculty members in using means of technological innovation.

Enezat also reviewed the experience of establishing TAGUCI as a distinctive model among academic institutions specialized in technological innovation and the use of modern technology in education.

It is worth mentioning that a large number of stakeholders and specialists from the Arab countries participated in the session, deliberating on several topics including Artificial Intelligence and Challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Role of Digital Transformation and AI in Changing Business Models, and the Impact of Artificial Intelligence Applications on Tomorrow's Professions, in addition to other issues. 

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh University College for Innovation (TAGUCI): is a University College specialized in "entrepreneurship" education and its requirements. It includes an ‘Innovation Incubator’ and collaborates with various institutions to embrace innovations in various fields with the aim of creating a knowledge generation capable of managing its inventions and innovations.