AMMAN – HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), decided to grant an exceptional 7% salary increment to all TAG.Global’s staff in Jordan, to help them face the difficult living conditions the country is experiencing due to closures imposed by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. 

This increment comes in addition to the other bonuses and rewards constantly offered to TAG.Global's outstanding employees by their Chairman. Dr Abu Ghazaleh constantly refers to all his staffs as as 'sons and daughters’ thus reflecting the friendly relationship he maintains with them. They also view him as a father rather than just their Chairman.

It should be noted that since the beginning of last year’s closures and economic difficulties impacted by COVID-19, TAG.Global in Jordan has been particularly keen in keeping and protecting the rights of all its 570 employees without laying-off any of them or reducing any even  when such measures were allowed by emergency  Defense Orders. 

The total cost of this salary raise in Jordan is estimated at (JD one million and 350 thousand), as it will add 12% to TAG.Global’s annual budget in Jordan, but Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh offers all this with great pleasure to the Organization’s staff for their distinguished performance, their loyalty and their remarkable contributions to TAG.Global's endless accomplishments and successes, in addition to his keenness to ensure a decent and a secure living for his sons, daughters and their families, no matter what the financial costs could reach.