AMMAN – As a requirement for a Masters Degree course, part of the ‘Strategic Management and Leadership program, a research paper entitled ‘Analyzing and Evaluating the Strategic Thinking of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global’s Managers’ was prepared by researcher Marwa Farah, a student at the Graduate Studies & Scientific Research in Al-Quds Open University.

The study analyzed and evaluated the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global) managers strategic thinking with the purpose of identifying the extent of clarity in their effective usage of the strategic thinking concept, as well as the obstacles that affect their performance. The research project included  in-depth interviews with TAG.Global strategic and functional managers in Palestine and Jordan.

One interview was arranged with Mr. Jamal Milhem, TAG.Global executive director in Palestine, and another was conducted with Mr. Fadi Daoud, executive director of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum (TAG-KF) and TAG.Global Education and Youth Consultant in Jordan.  The researcher also relied heavily on monitoring and reviewing meetings, lectures and seminars of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman and founder of TAG.Global.

Researcher Farah indicated that she chose to shed light on the significance of strategic thinking through her research paper, therefore, she selected one of the most important and prominent global group of firms in this field (TAG.Global), represented by its chairman Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, in an effort to analyze the strategic thinking of the managers and the main obstacles that face such thinking, in an attempt to come up with conclusions and recommendations that might benefit decision-makers through this exemplary model that attaches high value and importance to human thinking.

For his part, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his thanks and appreciation to the University Presidency, academics and professors for the great effort and support provided to scientific research and development processes. He also expressed his pride and gratitude in the efforts of student Marwa Farah, saying: ‘I salute you for your effort and accomplishment of this paper which I have read with great interest and insight because it contains scientific and objective analysis and evaluation.’ 

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh also instructed the publication of the paper as well as its circulation to all TAG.Global offices around the world to serve as a professional reference for TAG.Global staff.