AMMAN - Turkish state-owned news channel (TRT World TV) hosted HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), in an exclusive interview via video communication technology in ‘One On One’ program presented by Mr. Ali Mustafa.

The interview centered on the current situation in Palestine as well as the future of the Middle East particularly the conflict with the Zionist enemy.

At the beginning of the interview, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh corrected the historical misconception which claims that ‘Israel’ is a state, saying that Palestine is the state and the so-called "Israel" is not a state: just an occupying power. He elaborated that international law defines the state as the entity that has land with defined borders, citizens and  a constitution, none of which the Zionist occupier owns. 

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh further added that the United Nations has been regularly referring to “Israel” as an occupying power of Palestinian and Arab lands, and that this illegal occupation should end. When that happens Palestine will restore its lands and its people will restore their rights in their independent, free from occupation state. “If someone claims that the so-called (Israel) is an entity extending from the river-to-the-sea, then where is Palestine?’ he said and went on to reiterate: “This land is Palestine and was occupied by the Zionist invaders who came from all over the world and expelled its original citizens from their homes and lands except for a very few people.’

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh further elaborated that demographic studies indicate that by 2050 the number of Palestinians inside the Palestinian territories will inevitably become twice  the number of Jewish Zionist settlers, and  (Israel) then would be  facing a demographic dilemma since the Zionists will not be the majority in the next 30 years.

Commenting on a statement made by the United States President Mr. Joe Biden a few days ago that the Arab world must recognize the existence of so-called Israel as a Jewish state, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his absolute rejection of  such an irrelevant  statement which  only represents Biden as a person who has no right to make. 

Abu-Ghazaleh stressed that neither he nor anyone else has the right to offer what he does not own to others, reaffirming that Palestine is an Arab land that belongs to Palestinians, explaining that justice will eventually be restored.

Responding to a question about the Jews in (Israel) who oppose occupation, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh  said they are a very small minority, not more than one percent. The problem he said is with the Zionists who refuse to draw the borders of their Zionist unjust entity, as they claim (Israel’s) borders are anywhere their army can reach. 

He added that despite  the military power that the Zionists own and the deadliest weapons of their army, or the diplomatic relations they maintain with other countries, the real power is the national historical right of the Palestinians, especially since there are 30 million Palestinians around the world who will never compromise on their rights and whose resolve to restore their land and establish their own independent state on it will never weaken. (Israel) will not find one single Palestinian who is willing to give up his homeland Palestine for a group of invaders and oppressors, he affirmed. 

He added that the two-state proposal is a joke as the illegal settlements spread all over the Palestinian territories made it impossible.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said that, despite his old age, his attachment and his firm commitment toward his country Palestine has never been weakened and will never fade, noting that the younger generations of Palestinians are even more determined and strong-minded than their families to return and to liberate Palestine.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh concluded his interview saying that: “Certainly, Palestine will be liberated and victorious, and then we will graciously welcome the Jews and allow them to live in it with equal rights.’