AMMAN - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh E-Solutions (TAG E-Solutions), one of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global) firms, developed an online examination system for its various training and professional activities. The system surpasses the multiple choice questions by including distinctive changes and direct automated correction.

TAG E-Solution Executive Director, Mr. Reyad Al-Noubah, stated that the development of the examination system, which TAG.Global is implementing for all its training and professional activities, comes as a part of TAG.Global’s constant endeavor to keep pace with digital development, in addition to the growing need for digital education due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic which the world has been experiencing for more than a year. 

Al-Noubah added that the global shift in economic, social and educational lifestyle was the main drive for TAG.Global to keep pace with this transformation; thus becoming one of the first companies to adopt the digital examination system in an accurate and permanent manner, taking into account its ability to verify the identity of the examinees and to digitally monitor them while taking the exam.

 Al-Noubah also pointed out that the system is entirely digital, characterized by containing several types of questions such as: (one choice, multiple choices, fill the blanks and essay question, as well as questions related to accounting and auditing fields such as book entries and accounting records, budget and others) with automatic correction.

 The system, according to Al-Noubah, enables the examinees to re-sit or resume the exam if an emergency problem occurred during the exam’s original time, so it allows the users to return to the same form of questions, and their saved answers, and to resume from where they had stopped.

 The system also enables the addition of many types of content to questions such as (text, image and voice), as well as randomly creating exam forms based on several criteria such as the type of questions, subject and difficulty, along with other features including expected types of answers (text or numbers), as well as allowing the addition of a typical answer to a question, noting that the system allows for determining several options such as exam time, method of choosing a question, language and display method of questions.

It is worth mentioning that Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global strives through the E-Solution Department to develop its various services to cope with the knowledge world. TAG E-Solution relentlessly seeks to add value to its clients’ services and activities through continuous studies, analysis and evaluation of existing operational institutions’ programs, accordingly, it provides the appropriate technology for their processes.

TAG E-Solution's work is performed by over 70 experts specializing in the innovation and development of e-programs using different programming tools and languages such as Oracle, JAVA, .net and PHP.