DAMASCUS – The Federation of Syrian Chambers of Commerce, headed by Mr. Mohamed Abou El-Hoda El-Lahham, discussed with HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), means of joint cooperation between the two parties in the digital transformation field.

During the meeting, held at the headquarters of the Federation in Damascus, the two parties agreed to enhance their cooperation in different fields including the automation processes at the Federation and the Chambers of Commerce, as well as e-archiving, accounting standards, and e-hosting of companies and institutions’ websites, in addition to cooperation in training and capacity building of the cadres of the Federation and the chambers.

The two parties also agreed to cooperate in issuing ISO quality certification to eligible companies in the public and the private sectors, as well as in the fields of training in enterprise and project management and applied professional areas, in addition to dispute resolution and intellectual property.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh affirmed his full readiness to provide TAG.Global’s services that are well-known for their quality at the Arab and global levels, namely its training and capacity building services, digital transformation, programming, accounting and e-archiving to the Federation, Chambers and different government and private institutions.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh also added that the TAG.Global office in Syria had never stopped its work over the past years, not even during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, expressing his pride in its competence and effectiveness.

El-Lahham pointed out that the Federation and Chambers of Commerce had already embarked on the digital transformation process, noting that the electronic link with a number of government agencies is currently underway to provide e- services to members of Chambers in a fast, easy and reliable manner while maintaining paper documents and archiving them.

It is worth mentioning that the Federation of Syrian Chambers of Commerce was established in 1975 in Damascus, Syria. It serves coordination among chambers as well as helps finding solutions for the challenges that face the businesses in the country.