AMMAN – HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), received in his office two experts in the field of open educational resources: Dr. Sereen Bataineh from Jordan University of Science and Technology, and Dr. Jwan Al-Ibbini from the Hashemite University, to discuss means of developing open learning mechanisms in accordance with the most appropriate matrix for students and their future.

The purpose of the meeting was to benefit from Abu-Ghazaleh’s expertise in education, especially during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, in addition to his vision and points of view on the current educational situation and his future vision, so that the two experts would   incorporate all that in a chapter of a book they are currently preparing on the subject of assessing the experiences of the Arab countries in teaching sciences via the Internet.

During the meeting, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh briefed the two experts on TAG.Global’s handling methods in dealing with situations associated with the corona pandemic, mainly in its businesses and educational services, pointing out that education and digital learning were adopted by TAG.Global before the pandemic as an approach that has been further strengthened during the pandemic.

Moreover, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh affirmed the importance of transforming the traditional educational systems to suit the current and the future situations; with a special focus on graduating innovators and inventors -not job seekers- underlining the need to develop education at local and Arab levels to meet global standards.

For her part, Dr. Bataineh expressed her deep gratitude to Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for giving them the opportunity to be briefed on his practical experience in the field of digital education and open educational resources, pointing out that the meeting would positively impact their upcoming book  which is specialized in teaching sciences in the Arab region, especially the chapter devoted to education in Jordan.

Meanwhile, Dr. Al-Ibbini praised Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh’s various efforts in developing education, underscoring the fact that Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh was the first to utilize open educational sources through Talal Abu-Ghazaleh International University (TAGI-UNI), reiterating the importance of teaching students to become inventors, not job seekers.

It is worth mentioning that the book that will be issued by the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), entitled ‘The Current State of Sciences Education in the Arab Region’ in collaboration with Smart Learning Institute (SLI), affiliated with the Beijing Normal University (BNU) serves as an experimental platform that comprises scientific research, technology development and education. The book will be published by Springer Publishing, an American publishing company of academic journals and books.