AMMAN – Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum (TAG-KF), a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), organized a digital panel broadcast on the Forum’s Facebook page entitled ‘Women in Jordan’s First Centenary - Reality and Aspirations’ in conjunction with the International Women's Day.

During the session, TAG-KF hosted HE Ms. Asma Khader, executive director and consultant of the Jordanian Women Solidarity Institute (SIGI), Dr. Maysoon Al-Otoom, director of the Center for Women's Studies at the University of Jordan and Ms. Rula Samain, journalist and writer.

Khader, a human rights activist, and a defender of promoting the principles of justice and freedom, as well as eliminating discrimination and violence against women in society, stressed that it is the responsibility of all members of society, men and women, to defend human rights including women’s rights.

She also pointed out that, during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, women proved that societies mainly rely on women’s role and involvement in strengthening the effective resilience and response, in recovery from the repercussions of crises, noting  their significant roles within the family framework in terms of education and health; in addition to women's proven ability to overcome crisis, taking into account that they were, and still are, at the forefront of healthcare and education sectors.  

For her part, Dr. Al-Otoom referred to the state of alternation and contrast between traditions and modernity in the Arab societies, pointing out that modernity is a historical and civilizational entitlement that should be engaged in embracing modern human values while preserving positive cultural identity and particularities. 

Al-Otoom, on the other hand referred to the hostility that faces successful women in traditional societies and rejection from both men and women, as any successful female model from outside the male dominance cycle would be seen as a threat by men.

While according to Journalist Samain, the society should realize that human dignity is the path to progress, self-development and community advancement, adding that women and men complement each other; not competitors. 

Samain affirmed that the society is coherent and interconnected in all its aspects, saying that women’s right and advocacy, and putting their status in order should be accompanied not only by changes in legislation and laws, but changed in community culture as well, which should become a norm and a behavior based on values, customs and lifestyle practices, so that the gender stereotype that characterizes women as weak and vulnerable is radically changed.’

“Since women are one of the main pillars of society, they have to know how important they are, feel confident, and identify their skills, because skills in many cases could equal educational qualifications and even outperform them.” Samain said.

TAG-KF Executive Director and TAG.Global Education and Youth Consultant, Mr. Fadi Daoud, who moderated the session, stated that the digital virtual sessions conducted by the Forum are considered the best way to easily communicate with interested people and followers since such events provide a good opportunity to help them participate remotely.

Daoud added that that the meeting was organized in conjunction with the International Women's Day celebrated on March 8 every year; a global celebration to demonstrate public respect and appreciation to women's economic, political and social achievements.