New York, February - The New York-based Consortium for Sustainable Urbanization has unanimously reelected Dr. Talal Abu Ghazaleh  as the Chairman of its High-Level Advisory Board.

The CSU Advisory Board is composed of world renowned architects, town planners, design experts, technology gurus, policymakers and academics. It guides the work of the CSU at the strategic level.

The CSU is a global professional organization dedicated to promoting sustainable urbanization through the exchange and dissemination of  knowledge and expertise. It works in close collaboration with relevant United Nations agencies including, in particular, the UN-HABITAT as well as cities and urban centers from around the world. It conducts conferences,  webinars, workshops  and other events bringing together United Nations experts,  city leaders, policy-makers and diverse actors and experts engaged in urban design and planning; and it issues publications. It also seeks to advance smart and sustainable urban development with the application of new and emerging digital technologies.

Dr. Abu Ghazaleh was instrumental in the establishment of the CSU in 2009 during his Chairmanship of the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development which was launched in 2006 under the authority of the then- Secretary General  of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki Moon.