AMMAN - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum (TAG-KF), a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), took part in the festivities of the ‘Urdonnokom Entrepreneurship Week 2020’, organized by Yalla Shoghol for Supporting Services Company and supported by the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship in partnership with Queen Rania Center for Entrepreneurship (QRCE). ‏‏

During the closing ceremony of the Urdonnokom Entrepreneurship Week, held as part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), through Zoom, under the patronage of Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship HE Mr. Ahamd Al-Hanandeh, four entrepreneurial winning projects were announced, including Noon Library App., Gold Sands, Daddy Care and Istemrariah (Sustainability) projects.

Members of the jury, including TAG-KF Executive Director, Mr. Fadi Daoud, selected the winners, after fully reviewing all projects and their compliance with the standards set by the jury.

Moreover, a panel session was organized during the ceremony during which, Dr. Tamam Manko, executive director of the Crown Prince Foundation, tackled the role of the Foundation in supporting the youth of Jordan to enhance and sharpen their competitive and leadership abilities and skills.

Meanwhile, Daoud took part in the session briefing the attendees on the role TAG-KF plays by giving guidance and support to the young entrepreneurs through TAG.Global for the entrepreneurial projects and inventions along with other services including intellectual property, consulting and qualifying training courses. He also underlined the importance of entrepreneurship in boosting the economy and creating job opportunities for the youth.

Ms. Nada Ja’fari, program coordinator at Queen Rania Center for Entrepreneurship, went over the festivities organized during the Global Entrepreneurship Week in Jordan this year.

The session was moderated by the writer Ms. Farah Al Bedawi who narrated a number of success stories of Jordanian entrepreneurs and businessmen in her book entitled ‘Youth Upon People’.

The " Urdonnokom Entrepreneurship Week" event was launched in several stages. The first was launched last September, and 40 entrepreneurs from different governorates received training, during which 5 entrepreneurial projects won. The second phase of the event aimed at empowering the youth through innovative entrepreneurial programs with entrepreneurial skills to transform their ideas into sustainable projects that contribute to solving community problems and creating job opportunities, whereas, four projects out of 55 project ideas and start-up projects serving the sustainable development goals were selected. 

The ‘Urdonnokom Entrepreneurship Week’ event aims to encourage community members, particularly the youth, on innovation and inventions to build sustainable development process and move toward more advanced level, improve standard of living through community entrepreneurship, enhance community leadership and inspire innovation in all economic sectors in the Kingdom, in line with Jordan's 2020 economic vision, promote the culture of community entrepreneurship in the Kingdom, and bring together Jordanian experts from various sectors to inspire and support young people for the purpose of developing their projects.