AMMAN - HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of the Arab Organization for Quality Assurance in Education (AROQA), took part in the virtual ceremony organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - Beirut Office  in  the online launch of ‘Kodrat Platform’ that serves teachers in the Arab region by providing educational courses including ‘Remote Learning’.

During the ceremony, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his appreciation of the decades-long partnership with UNESCO, praising this outstanding initiative of digital transformation in the fields of education, science and culture. He also pointed out that UNESCO programs contribute to achieving societies’ sustainable development.

In his speech, in the presence of a number of teachers and educational practitioners in the Arab region, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stressed the need for shifting from teaching to learning, as well as utilizing all available technological tools made available by the Technical Knowledge Revolution the so-called ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ that the world is experiencing. 

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh affirmed that Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global) had started digital transformation ten years ago, and as a result it has now more than 500 digital training programs; some are video-recorded and others are digitally presented through ‘Online’ classes. 

He further called for using a methodology that encourages creativity and innovation in all educational programs, by introducing platforms similar to ‘Kodrat', placing TAG.Global’s training platform at the disposal of the UNESCO for its capacity building programs.

Towards that goal, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh announced the readiness of TAG-Org's scientific research infrastructure for the purpose of innovation. He declared that  a high speed and secure internet line has been established with joint funding from the European Union and TAG.Global, to connect educational and research institutions with research centers around the world. 

For his part, Dr. Hegazi Idris, the Regional Program Specialist in Basic and Adult Education at the UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Arab States, who moderated the session, expressed his thanks to Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, affirming the UNESCO’s pride in the ongoing collaboration with different firms chaired by Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh.

Idris also expressed his appreciation to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh who is a role model for businessmen attributed to his keenness in the development of the Arab region in all fields, noting that he always finds the perfect mechanism to motivate the concerned parties to develop their businesses.

Idris concluded by thanking Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh for his efforts in launching the ‘Kodrat Platform’ and his eagerness to link the Arab region with the European countries through scientific research and education networks.

For her part, the Director of the Regional Center for Educational Planning (RCEP), Dr. Mahra Hilal Al-Mutaiwai, said: ‘This year, all teachers around the world have been experiencing an exceptional and transitional phase in their professional career, at a time that was characterized by instability and rapid changes due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.”

She added: "All educational staff were forced to deal with these changes in their learning methods for the rapid transition into remote learning to ensure the continuity of the learning process for all students at all stages, which added significantly to teachers workloads. For this purpose, UNESCO was bound to provide them full support to continue carrying out their duty with high quality."