AMMAN- HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh launched the Council of Business Leaders, the 3rd Pillar of La Verticale Africa-Med-Europa Foundation during the Council’s first virtual meeting, held under the Honorary  Chairmanship of HE Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker, former President of the European Commission and Honorary President of the Foundation "La Verticale Africa Med Europa".

The Council, which will operate under the umbrella of La Verticale and under the presidency of HE Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, will assist in integrating the African and European continents across the Mediterranean through the mobilization of business leaders, academia and civil society.

The Founder’s Board will consist of dignitaries from Africa, from the Mediterranean and from Europe, who will orchestrate the implementation of the Council’s objectives across the three continents.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stated that this initiative is a new concept although based historical realities: “This is an ambitious project and only ambitious projects succeed” he said. The Council’s objectives are simple and are focused on creating an area of cooperation in business and culture in the three regions Africa-Med-Europe. These three regions have always been linked together so it is a natural thing to put this realistic and historic relation into a foundation, an NGO: La Verticale.”

La Verticale AME Foundation is an entity, founded under Belgian law. HE Mr. Juncker, former President of the European Commission, is the Honorary President; Elisabeth Guigou chairs the Foundation as President together with Dr. Abu Ghazaleh (Jordan) and an African personality whose appointment is in progress.

“Why it is called La Verticale?  Because from Europe up to Africa down, we notice that it is a straight line and that was the idea of creating an area of cooperation to cover Africa-Middle East-Europe. This Foundation has already been established and registered in Brussels,” Abu Ghazaleh added.

The first meeting of the Council focused on setting up the core of the Business Council. It also aimed  at starting a conversation on the role of the business sector and the strategies it can adopt to strengthen economic ties between the two continents as well as at identifying priorities for investments and cooperation.

The Council will be the 3rd pillar of the Foundation; the pillars which are both complementary and independent, and will have an Inter-regional Board, a Regional Board and a Country Board: They are the Forum of political "Wise Persons"; The Think Tanks Network (group of researchers/experts) and The Council of Business Leaders.

 Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh described this effort as a historic moment thanking HE Mr. Juncker, the Mediterranean World Economic Foresight Institute (IPEMED) President HE Mr. Jean-Louis Guigou for their support. He also applauded the leadership of HE Ms. Elisabeth Guigou, and thanked the leaders attending the meeting. 

“Our operation will be sectorial and there will be a board for each sector Education, ICT, Energy, Water, Food, Banking and Finance, Investment, Trade, Pharmaceuticals, and Agriculture. We will engage businessmen of equal interest to find common ground to maximize the possibilities for business and cultural relations as well as for operating as a team,” Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh, who led several United Nations initiatives, said.

Elisabeth Guigou thanked Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh for his support and vision for La Verticale, which will be instrumental in bringing business leaders together for the future of the three regions.
The Council gained support from business, governmental and NGO leaders who took part in the meeting calling it “a necessity” “a bright idea” and “an opportunity”.