AMMAN – Arab economist, Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), reaffirmed his conviction that the Arab region has a unique opportunity for  distinctive prosperity in the future because despite the existing devastation the region possesses  great resources and wealth.

In a new episode of the “World to Where?” weekly program on Russia Today (RT), Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh shed light on the upcoming reconstruction process.

He talked about the U.S. Marshall Plan; the so-called European Recovery Program which was implemented by the United States to help Europe in the aftermath of  World War II saying that although “the declared purpose of the Marshall Plan was that the US wanted to help Europe , the reality was that the economic benefit of the plan for the American economy was more than that for Europe. How did that happen? "The plan enabled the US to develop its companies, activate its economy, introduce its language and push its currency and lifestyle into Europe; which was the reason behind initiating the Anglo-Saxon Revolution,” Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh added. 

Regarding the US-China relations, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh affirmed that an inevitable clash will take place between the two superpowers (the US and China), noting that the presence of two-thirds of the US Navy in the South China Sea can only be seen as preparedness for an attack and all the repositioning of US troops is a sign fin that direction.

He added that the conflict between the two superpowers could not continue, with continued tension, without reaching a point of collision; that may mark the dawn of a new era.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh pointed out that competition for reconstruction is part of the current global conflicts, noting that the the leadership of the concerned reconstruction and funding institutions which are controlled by the US, such as the World Bank and others, have no role in making reconstruction decisions while many of the existing wars are about reconstruction.
He further said that: “America will not withdraw from Syria unless it gets its share from the reconstruction plans, whereas the Syrian leadership declared that whoever was involved in war against it will not be part of the reconstruction process”.
Concerning the Arab region, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said that it has a historic opportunity for recovery considering that it is the most badly impacted area in the world; nevertheless it would be expected to witness prosperity with respect to the great wealth it possesses.  

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh concluded by stressing the fact that reconstruction will have to be a shared operation that should be formulated through partnership without being connected to special interests, explaining that reconstruction is not restricted to structures and building; rather, it includes  entire systems, economic recovery,  currency strength, political stability, values, education, government administration and everything that is related to national prosperity.