AMMAN - HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global) will be launching on November 16, 2020, the “Virtual Global Partnership Summit”, the day the United Nations designated as the International Day for Tolerance.

Dr. Abu Ghazaleh is founder of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.GLOBAL) and the Global Challenges Forum Foundation, celebrating its 10th anniversary.  He has issued “Open Letters to America and China from a Friend” to propose a global partnership based upon the legacy of the statesman Anson Burlingame.

Moving beyond his previous concerns that the U.S. and China may be headed for war, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh advocates that in the aftermath of the U.S. Presidential election, the two nations should now begin to articulate their shareable interests with the rest of the world.

“Therefore, with humility, I am convening a ‘Virtual Global Partnership Summit’ on 16 November at   “It is not a one-time event,” he notes.  “Rather, the Virtual Summit and the Global Challenges Forum will serve for one year as a facilitating partner -- inviting leaders of all nations, international organizations, global corporations, foundations, and indeed global citizens everywhere to join in the process of establishing a new Global Partnership for the 21st Century.”

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh has suggested that the values of tolerance, the need for global resilience, and finding modalities to empower the youth of today for leadership in sustainable development be incorporated as actionable elements for a global partnership initiative.  “These are matters upon which, I do believe, all people of good will can agree,” he said.   

This initiative is in line with the principles of the UN Global Compact, founded by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan as Chairman and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh as co-chair, and continued to be co-chaired by Ban Ki-Moon and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh.

Requests for information about Anson Burlingame’s role in fostering U.S. - China cooperation may be sent to   Dr. Walter Christman is the coordinator for the Virtual Global Partnership Summit and is President of the Burlingame Foundation.  Requests to submit endorsements and join the “Virtual Global Partnership Summit” movement should be sent to Mr. Ramez Quneibi at