AMMAN - The Human Resources Department at Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) held an orientation workshop to present its portfolio of activities to the new employees who joined the Organization during 2020.

The workshop aimed at briefing new staff members on the policies and the comprehensive set of integrated professional services it offers through its various subsidiaries.

During the workshop, Mr. Alaa Yassin, TAG-Org Executive Director of Human Resources, welcomed the new staff members, and gave a presentation about the Group’s background including its services, history and establishment. He also briefed the new members on the Chairman of the Board of Directors HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, TAG Org's organizational structure and management policies, as well as staff obligations, rights and duties.

In addition to Mr. Yassin, a number of corporate executives presented their overviews of the subsidiary companies, their establishment and the services they provide.  They recounted success stories and accomplishments, and the mechanisms and means pursued to ensure their growth and development in various countries around the world.

The speakers also reviewed the achievements of the Group, noting that it has received more than 1,000 honorary shields so far, has successfully founded and managed more than 400 Knowledge Stations, and owns more than 110 patents in the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solutions.

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization is the largest global business group among several big global firms offering professional services. It provides a vast array of   specialized professional services in various professional fields and it also provides support in the establishment, development and expansion of businesses in various sectors. TAG-Org was founded in 1972 and manages its operations through its 108 offices and 150 representative offices around the world.