JERASH, Jordan - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Society (TAG-KS), a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), has been making significant progress by offering distinctive training courses, awareness campaigns and free programs through its Gaza Refugee Camp Knowledge Station (Governorate of Jerash)  since its establishment a few months ago.

Founded at the Jordanian Association for Supporting the Children of Gaza Charity in Jerash, TAG-Knowledge Station is one of a chain of knowledge stations established all over the Kingdom, including in the Palestinian refugee camps, with the aim of providing the youth and students with advanced technological tools in the field of Information and Communication Technology to enrich their expertise and qualify them to meet local and regional labor market needs in line with the vision and instructions of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of TAG.Global. 

The number of beneficiaries from training courses organized by the Gaza Camp Knowledge Station reached 70 participants including Training of Trainers (ToT), Translation, English Language, and Programming, in addition to organizing two awareness campaigns with the involvement of 150 participants.

Fulfilling its mission in serving refugee camp community, TAG-KS signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Code Circle, an educational company that empowers a new generation through programs that strengthen coding, entrepreneurship, and creative skills in children, to launch ‘Programing Training Course for Girls’ with the aim of teaching specialized programing in developing Android applications using MIT App Inventor program for girls aged between 14-16 years from public schools and local community. Jerash Governorate (Gaza Refugee Camp) was selected as a launching point for this initiative.

To maintain its success, TAG-KS offered all required support to TAG-Knowledge Station in the Camp including TAGITOP devices and a free high-speed Internet connection provided by TAG.Global’s own Internet line, in addition to assisting in marketing its programs, free courses in CV Writing and Job Interview Skills.

On the front of community cooperation, the Knowledge Station collaborated with various institutions and organized social initiatives. Atop of them was ‘This Is My Road’ initiative, in cooperation with the Royal Automobile Club, supported by the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), in addition to the ‘Stop, Look, Wave’ initiative launched by Jerash Traffic Department to raise childrens'  awareness on how to safely cross the road, that included performance of a comedy by Shams Group that encourages road safety behaviors.  

In this context, TAG-KS in collaboration with the Jordanian Diabetes Team organized a free medical open day in Gaza Camp, celebrating the 14thWorld Diabetes Day, as one of TAG.Global’s initiatives to support the Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan. During the one-day event, awareness lectures about diabetes and the significance of early detection were presented by a specialized healthcare team, who enlightened the attendees on how to prevent diabetes, how to deal with it and control it through specialized centers equipped for blood tests.  TAG-KS also organized various fun activities for kids, and gifts were given to the attendees.

The establishment of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Society, a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global, is part of TAG.Global’s corporate social responsibility (CSR), mission and objectives with the support of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Foundation.