AMMAN - HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), has finalized a new book on Smart Cities called “The Inevitable Digital Future”. His Excellency enlisted the assistance of one of his senior IT experts, Mr. Shahid Halling, in helping develop the contents of the book in light of the role that technology can play in delivering sustainable urbanization.

Mr. Halling said, “This book comes at a critical time where governments across the globe are facing great challenges in delivering equitable services to their citizens. The recent Coronavirus (COVID) pandemic and the economic stagflation Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh has been instrumental in bringing to the forefront, are putting unprecedented strains on national resources and services. The only solution to achieve sustainable urbanization is for governments to adopt technology and become smart entities.”

In the book, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh discusses the technologies he sees as being essential for Smart Cities to come about and lessons that can be learnt from failed Smart City initiatives. The book provides a blueprint that can be used to develop holistic Smart Cities of the future. The book also discusses a range of supportive elements from governance to citizen awareness that are essential in developing successful Smart City implementations. 

The book is concise and is written in clear language and that makes it ideal as a guide for decision makers of all levels on what they need to do to meet the challenges of the future.
The English version of the book is currently under print and shall be available by mid-November 2020, with the Arabic version soon to follow.