AMMAN- HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global stressed that the COVID-19 pandemic has placed massive strains on all aspects of life around the world and only a global solution would work to overcome this crisis.

In his keynote speech at the National Arab American Medical Association 42nd International Medical Convention held virtually, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh stated that the World Health Organization (WHO) should lead a global crisis management group.

“I believe strongly that WHO should form a crisis management group that includes medical, business, media, strategists, economists and scientists who would gather their efforts in fighting this virus and find a solution that works for all mankind. This is a global pandemic that needs a global effort in order to reach the stage of victory,” Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said.

“Despite the current situation we should not blame the COVID-19 but we should blame ourselves. Coming up with a vaccine will not completely solve the problem, as it should be given to the largest possible number of people at the same time,” he added.

So far, there are around 42.6 million of Covid-19 cases and 1.15 million deaths around the world.

According to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh “No country can close its borders and think it is immune. A real solution is a global solution. Country leaders should not put their country’s interest first by isolation; it will not work this way. All countries should impose strict measures to ensure that all citizens would observe such measures, while those who do not comply should be fined.”

Crises offer opportunities so not everyone was a loser in this crisis, according to Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh.

“Bill Gates said few months ago that the IT industry witnessed a 30% growth during this crisis. The pharmaceutical industry also saw an opportunity to make profit,” he said.

The global meeting held virtually under the theme “Surviving the Global Pandemic” was organized by the National Arab American Medical Association (NAAMA), a nonprofit, nonpolitical, educational and humanitarian organization. It hosted speakers from around the world, addressing critical issues related to the current COVID-19 pandemic”.

 Speakers from Baylor University, the University of Texas in Houston College of Dentistry, The University of Sydney in Australia, The Cardiovascular Academy in Jordan, Wayne State University, Harvard Medical School, Icahn School of Medicine, Sidra Hospital of Qatar, the American University of Beirut, UNICEF, and many more took part in the event.

Participants including guest speaker Michael J. Nyenhuis, President and CEO UNICEF USA delved deep into how leading thinkers and global organizations have developed strategies to deal with and overcome the troublesome challenges imposed by the pandemic and all related societal and governmental responses.