AMMAN – Well-known economic expert, HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, shared his vast experience; the tips and golden rules of successful and effective management that he accumulated over the years in addition to what he learned from specialized  studies and perspectives of wise people from around the globe.

In a new episode of his weekly program (The World to Where?) aired on Russia Today (RT), Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said that stimulating creativity and innovative potentials is one of the most prominent tools of effective management, pointing out that successful management is the ‘Art of Motivation’ in the workplace. 

Furthermore, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh explained that one of the most effective elements of successful management is to motivate your work team to work harder, increase their productivity and find the best workplace practices. He asserted that the team leader who deals with respect and love towards his colleagues will be certain of his team's top achievement.

“It is necessary to give the team the credit for achieving success not the leader, since this would be their main drive to permanently pursue success,” Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh believes that the successful management cannot be maintained without digitalization; therefore, digital solutions should be implemented in various work processes.

He also stated that innovation is the main goal for maintaining  success. “In that way,  work-level would improve, productivity and learning would be the cornerstones for success” he said, underlining the need to learn from negative experiences and turn obstacles into opportunities as ‘good leaders learn effective management from their mistakes and failures’.

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh concluded by stressing the need to be tolerant and to move away from authoritarianism, grudges and reprimand as the successful manager or leader is the one who encourages his team to work harder, and is convinced that such bad behaviors would negatively affect success. (RT)