RAMALLAH - Palestine Ahliya University (PAU) in Bethlehem honored Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), in view of its strategic partnership at the University’s Management Information Systems (MIS) improvement project, funded by the World Bank under the supervision of the Bank’s Project Coordinating Unit at the Palestinian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

During the ceremony, PAU Vice President for Financial and Administrative Affairs, Dr. Imad Al-Zeer, awarded an honorary shield to TAG.Global’s representative and Consulting Manager in Ramallah Mr. Abdel Karim Ka'abneh, in addition to honoring Palestine Telecommunications Company – Paltel.

Addressing the attendees, Al-Zeer expressed his gratitude to the participants who made the development of the project’s activities a success, and he highly appreciated the efforts of all the concerned parties. He also highlighted the importance of partnerships and networking with the private sector institutions based on solid foundations to significantly contribute to the development of the society, reiterating the positive consideration towards the private sector’s contributions in supporting and boosting the Palestinian national economy. 

For his part, Ka'abneh underlined the strong professional relationship between TAG.Global and the University; which was further strengthened during the project execution phase, affirming that cooperation in projects that serve the students and the University in practical and scientific domains would continue. 

Ka'abneh also emphasized that TAG.Global under the direction of HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of TAG.Global, gives a special attention to students and the youth in general, noting that Palestine and its different institutions get the lion’s share of such attention.

It is worth mentioning that the project, implemented at the University, aims at developing curriculum and improve academic plans for MIS students, in addition to building scholars’ capacities in different scientific fields including teaching method, and field training.