BEIRUT – Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for Technologies (TAGTech), a member of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), won a tender to supply highly advanced TAG-DC tablets to ‘Mouvement Social’ with the aim of sharpening the technological skills of its members. 

TAGTech is considered one of the fastest growing tech companies in the world; offering laptops, tablets and smart phones at the highest specifications and competitive prices to reach the largest segments of societies by supporting remote learning and by providing educational institutions, businesses and individuals with its technological devices.

TAGTech just started its first production line of electronic devices in Jordan and it plans to establish more production facilities in other countries. 

Mouvement Social is a non-sectarian, non-partisan organization with centers widely spread throughout the Lebanese territories. The Society aims to improve citizens’ quality of life and independence particularly among the poor through socio-economic development projects. It also strives to involve the Lebanese youth in developing and improving their community.

Moreover, the Organization works tirelessly to promote community awareness on social issues by pursuing policies that can effectively address the basic rights and needs of the deprived categories towards a fairer and a more humane society.