AMMAN - Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Knowledge Forum (TAG-KF) hosted HE Dr. Fares Al Braizat, Minister of Youth, in a digital session entitled ‘The Role of Youth in Times of Crisis’, conducted in a live broadcast through the Forum’s Facebook page.

During the meeting, Dr. Al Braizat said that there are many examples of young Jordanians who have established technology companies that have been recognized all over the world as success stories.

“We believe in the Jordanian youth and their capabilities. My message to them is that they can overcome any challenge if they determine to succeed, keeping in mind that determination and persistence are the basis of success.” He said. 

Furthermore, Al Braizat emphasized that the Ministry of Youth, in cooperation with Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labor, has a new concept of transforming a number of youth centers into children nurseries to contribute to creating job opportunities and enhancing women’s labor force participation.  

Al Braizat also stressed the Ministry’s intention to continue holding the youth training camps via the Internet as part of its annual programs, pointing out its endeavor to develop the sports clubs by converting them to companies to ensure the sustainability of their activities, in addition to rehabilitating youth centers digitally to provide the best services to their members.  

It is worth mentioning that the meeting has gained great attention and interest from many people. At the end of the session, Al Braizat answered questions and inquiries.

Mr. Fadi Daoud, the Executive Director of TAG-KF and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global) Education and Youth Consultant, who moderated the session, pointed out that the digital virtual session with Minister Al Braizat was organized as part of a series of digital meetings and talks in the time of Coronavirus.