AMMAN - HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), drew the education roadmap of ‘the future; Post-year 2020.  That occurred during his participation in the activities of the International Cooperation Platform (ICP) of the virtual Bosphorus Summit.

In in a remotely conducted session moderated by Mr. Mehmet Ali Tuğtan, Chair of Distance Education Center at Istanbul Bilgi University in Istanbul, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh called for developing a ‘distance learning’ matrix to support classroom education, urging governments to carry out what they have already started in automating curricula  and other requirements of academic achievement. He pointed out that some countries were late in developing such a matrix which could have created a more positive impact if it had been in existence before. 

 “We came to fully understand the control of technology on all aspects of our lives, and we realize that our future depends on the Internet which can help us continue our life, learning and work remotely”, Dr. Abu Ghazaleh said adding: “We, as individuals, communities or governments, have to understand that we will not bear any losses and our activities would not be negatively affected if we master and become skilled in the use of digital technologies.”

Further, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh affirmed that education is the countries’ most powerful weapon and their right path to follow if they were keen to be most influential. He indicated that universities and schools should be prepared for what he referred to as the ‘Tsunami’ in education. 

Additionally, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh noted that technology has changed education and we have to embrace the new forms of education, which depend on E-Learning. Digital learning has introduced a new communication means away from traditional teaching at school and university, which though then is considered a waste of time and money now. 

Dr. Abu Ghazaleh emphasized that E-Learning is the least expensive and that the next generation will be completely digital, therefore, they have to be guided towards ‘Learning for Innovation’, not only for passing tests and getting diplomas. 

Regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh explained that the impact of this epidemic is evident economically and politically, pointing out that the interconnection between the political and economic aspects was obvious since the crisis was managed by politicians, who directly or indirectly sought the advice and guidance of economic experts.

Meanwhile, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh referred to the ‘New World Order’ that will emerge  in the aftermath of the coronavirus epidemic, saying that the two great powers China and the US will sit on the same table to discuss, develop and forge a new world order governed bilaterally. “We should realize that one single country cannot manage the new order and lead the world alone” he said.