AMMAN – HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, founder and chairman of Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global (TAG.Global), affirmed that he did not urge countries  to put their economic interests ahead of saving peoples’ lives. He advised balance between the two necessities: preserving lives but at the same time securing adequate living conditions for the saved lives in the aftermath of the corona crisis. 

In his interview with Radio Monte Carlo (RMC) Doualiya, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh said that leaders of the epidemic stricken countries would be obliged to find the right approach for reconciling health and economic considerations. Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh pointed out that the criticism campaign that he was recently subjected to regarding his stance over corona crisis was unjustified. His words were taken out of context, distorted and misunderstood. He never suggested that saving the economy should take priority to saving peoples’ lives. While he clearly emphasized the value of peoples lives he at the same time affirmed the need for keeping the economy healthy as well to enable the people to survive and live well. 

Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh noted that the Coronavirus pandemic has forced societies to utilize the means of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (the internet digital revolution) calling on the Arab countries to deal with the digital matrix comprehensively. He also indicated that the means of the Fourth Industrial Revolution contributed significantly to alleviating the effects of the coronavirus on societies and governments particularly in the fields of education and remote work. 

During the interview, Dr. Abu-Ghazaleh expressed his belief that the reason behind the setbacks in controlling the epidemic spread around the world is due to the lack of a functioning world order and the absence of a unified international system to deal with the crisis collectively. He explained his idea about the expected war between Beijing and Washington towards the end of this year saying that the war will enforce the two sides to sit together and negotiate a new world order.

To listen to the full interview: